Web 2.0 University

Can PHP Run on Windows?

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PHP can run on Windows, and you can set it up using various methods. One of the easiest ways to set up PHP on Windows is by using a pre-packaged distribution like XAMPP or WampServer. These packages bundle PHP, Apache (web server), and MySQL (database server) together, making it simpler to install and configure the necessary components for a development environment. Here’s how you can set up PHP on Windows using XAMPP:

  • Download XAMPP: Visit the XAMPP website at https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html and download the latest version of XAMPP for Windows.
  • Install XAMPP: Run the downloaded XAMPP installer and follow the installation prompts. Choose a suitable directory to install XAMPP (e.g., C:\xampp). During the installation, you can choose which components to install. Make sure to select Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
  • Start the XAMPP Control Panel: After the installation is complete, launch the XAMPP Control Panel from the Start menu or the XAMPP installation directory. The control panel allows you to manage Apache, MySQL, and other components.
  • Start Apache and MySQL: In the XAMPP Control Panel, click the ‘Start’ buttons next to Apache and MySQL to start the web server and the database server.
  • Test PHP: To verify that PHP is installed and working correctly, create a new file named info.php in the XAMPP ‘htdocs’ directory (e.g., C:\xampp\htdocs\info.php). Add the following content to the file:

Save the file and open your web browser. Navigate to http://localhost/info.php. If everything is set up correctly, you should see a PHP information page displaying details about the PHP installation, configuration, and extensions.

Now, you have PHP running on your Windows machine, and you can start developing web applications using PHP, Apache, and MySQL.

Keep in mind that XAMPP is intended for development purposes and might not be suitable for production environments. For production use, consider installing and configuring each component (PHP, Apache, and MySQL) individually, following best practices for security and performance.

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