Web 2.0 University

What is PHP Linting and How To Use It Effectively

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PHP linting is the process of using tools to check your code for syntactical and/or semantical errors based on a set of rules.

Basically, using a linter will make your code cleaner, more consistent and easier to read.

This article will take you through the benefits of using a PHP linter and get you setup with the tools necessary to start making use of linting in your projects.

What is PHP Linting?

PHP linting is the process of checking PHP code for syntax errors and potential issues without actually executing the code. It’s a static analysis technique that helps developers identify and fix problems early in the development process, before the code is run or deployed.

Linting can catch a wide range of issues, including:

  • Syntax errors
  • Undefined variables
  • Unused variables or functions
  • Inconsistent coding styles
  • Potential security vulnerabilities

By catching these issues early, linting helps improve code quality, reduce bugs, and streamline the development process.

Setting Up PHP Linting

Setting up PHP linting in your development environment is relatively straightforward. Here’s a basic guide:

  1. Use PHP’s Built-in Linter: PHP comes with a built-in linter. You can use it from the command line:

    php -l file.php

    This command will check the specified file for syntax errors.

  2. Integrate with Your IDE: Most modern IDEs and text editors support PHP linting out of the box or through plugins. For example:

    • PHPStorm has built-in linting capabilities
    • Visual Studio Code can use the PHP Intelephense or PHP extension for linting
    • Sublime Text can use SublimeLinter with SublimeLinter-php
  3. Set Up Pre-commit Hooks: Use Git hooks to run linting before each commit:

    files=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep '.php$')
    if [ "$files" = "" ]; then 
        exit 0 
    for file in $files
        php -l "$file"
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            exit 1
  4. Integrate with CI/CD Pipeline: Include linting in your continuous integration process to ensure all code pushed to your repository passes linting checks.

Pros and Cons of PHP Linting


  1. Early Error Detection: Catch syntax errors and potential issues before runtime.
  2. Improved Code Quality: Enforces coding standards and best practices.
  3. Time-Saving: Identifies issues quickly, reducing debugging time.
  4. Consistency: Helps maintain a consistent coding style across a team.
  5. Security: Can identify potential security vulnerabilities.


  1. False Positives: Linters may sometimes flag code that is actually valid.
  2. Learning Curve: Configuring linters and understanding their output can take time.
  3. Overhead: Adding linting to your workflow introduces an additional step in the development process.
  4. Rigidity: Strict linting rules may sometimes hinder creativity or unconventional (but valid) coding techniques.

Tools for PHP Linting

Several tools are available for PHP linting, each with its own strengths:

  1. PHP_CodeSniffer (PHPCS): PHPCS is a popular tool that not only checks for syntax errors but also enforces coding standards.


    composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"


    phpcs file.php
  2. PHP Mess Detector (PHPMD): PHPMD looks for potential problems in your code, such as possible bugs, suboptimal code, overcomplicated expressions, and unused parameters, variables, methods, and properties.


    composer global require phpmd/phpmd


    phpmd file.php text cleancode,codesize,controversial,design,naming,unusedcode
  3. PHP Static Analysis Tool (PHPStan): PHPStan focuses on finding errors in your code without actually running it. It catches whole classes of bugs even before you write tests for them.


    composer require --dev phpstan/phpstan


    vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src tests
  4. Psalm: Developed by Vimeo, Psalm is a static analysis tool that tries to find errors in your code.


    composer require --dev vimeo/psalm




PHP linting is a powerful technique that can significantly improve the quality of your code and streamline your development process. While it may require some initial setup and learning, the benefits in terms of error prevention, code consistency, and time savings make it a valuable addition to any PHP developer’s toolkit.

By incorporating linting into your workflow, whether through IDE integration (like in VS Code), pre-commit hooks, or CI/CD pipelines, you’re taking a proactive step towards more robust, maintainable, and error-free PHP applications. As with any tool, it’s important to find the right balance and configuration that works for your team and project needs.

Remember, linting is just one part of a comprehensive approach to code quality. Combine it with thorough testing, code reviews, and continuous learning to elevate your PHP development to the next level.

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