Web 2.0 University

Why PHP Is Known as a Scripting Language?

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PHP, which stands for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”, is called a scripting language because of how it was designed to be used.

A scripting language is a type of programming language that is interpreted rather than compiled. In other words, the commands written in such a language are executed directly, line-by-line, without the need to be compiled into a machine language code beforehand. This makes scripting languages particularly useful for writing scripts, which are often short pieces of code that perform specific tasks.

PHP was originally created to handle dynamic content on web pages, allowing for the creation of more interactive and functional websites. It is a server-side scripting language, meaning that PHP code is executed on the server, not the client’s machine.

When a user requests a PHP page, the web server processes the PHP code and then sends the resulting output (usually HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or JSON) to the user’s browser. This allows for dynamic content to be generated based on various conditions or parameters, such as user input, time of day, or data from a database.

So, to summarize, PHP is known as a scripting language because:

  • It’s interpreted at runtime, not compiled ahead of time.
  • It’s often used for writing scripts, which are smaller programs designed to automate tasks or handle specific functionality on a web server.
  • It’s designed to handle and generate dynamic content on web pages.
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